Why should I use Telemetry (Cinnamon) instead of Kamon?

Why should I use Telemetry (Cinnamon) instead of Kamon?

Telemetry (aka Cinnamon) is the industry’s most capable tool for the monitoring of Akka, Play and Lagom applications. While Cinnamon and Kamon share some common features such as actor mailbox metrics, dead letter message counts and fine-grained configuration, Cinnamon has numerous unique and valuable features:

  • Split Brain Resolver (SBR) events: SBR decisions, unreachable nodes, etc.
  • Akka Cluster events and metrics: leader changed, shard region delivered messages, etc.
  • Lagom circuit breaker metrics: state, latency, and throughput
  • Support for OpenTracing vendor-neutral APIs for distributed tracing
  • Per endpoint Akka HTTP/Play/Lagom metrics
  • Vizceral integration for visualization of nodes, actors and the messages flowing between them (experimental)
  • Akka Streams metrics
  • Akk Persistence instrumentation
The insights obtained through the analysis of this information can be invaluable for developers and operations when fixing bugs and fine-tuning performance.

As a Lightbend subscriber, you are fully licensed and entitled to add Cinnamon to your project. In addition to that, by using the Customer Portal to create support cases, you can interact directly with Cinnamon engineers for additional support, product feedback and new feature suggestions.

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